Privacy Policy

Effective Date: February 2023

This website is provided by Health Promotion, National Public Health Service, Te Whatu Ora (formerly Te Hiringa Hauora / Health Promotion Authority). 

It does not collect any personal information about you unless you fill out the form requesting a Quit Coach. 

If you fill out this form (which collects your first and last names, phone number and email address), this personal information will be sent directly to a local stop smoking service by email. Te Whatu Ora will retain a copy of this email on the website platform for a short period of time before deleting it. 

Once the stop smoking service has received your personal information they will get in touch with you to discuss your request for a Quit Coach. They will handle your personal information according to their own privacy statement. 

If you want to read the stop smoking service’s privacy statement you will need to ask it to give you this information. If you want to access or request to correct the personal information the stop smoking service collects about you then you will need to ask it directly.

If you click on the link on this website to register for Quitline then you will be sent to the Quitline website, which is separate to this website. Quitline has its own privacy statement, on its website, which will tell you how it handles any personal information you share with it (for example, when you register for Quitline).  

If you want to access a copy of any personal Te Whatu Ora has collected about you via this website or have any questions about how this website handles your personal information please contact us at:

Privacy Officer
Te Whatu Ora, National Public Health Service, Health Promotion
PO Box 2142
Wellington 6140
Email us

If you are not satisfied with our response to any privacy-related concern or you’d like more information on the privacy laws in New Zealand and contact details for the Office of the Privacy Commissioner, please visit the Privacy Commissioner's website.

Use of cookies and tracking technologies

This website collects statistical information which is used for making the site faster and easier to use. Information from your visit is combined with the data from all site visitors and presented as statistical information on overall site use. To do this, the website uses "cookies" and other tracking technologies. This site uses Google Analytics and Hotjar cookies and tracking technologies. 

© 2024 Te Whatu Ora. All rights reserved.